
3D Printed LED Domes Shed Light on Scientific Research

Exemplifying the wide-ranging versatility of 3D printing, researchers have integrated the technology for accompanying scientific photography, detailing their recent study in “Illuminating nature’s beauty: modular, scalable and low-cost LED dome…


Behind the Buzz: Exploring the Challenges of High-Speed 3D Printing

High-speed continuous 3D printing has captured a lot of attention in recent years, and basically the method is an upgraded approach to Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology, which EnvisionTEC commercialized…

3D Printed Hubs are the Centerpieces of Visually Stunning Geodesic Dome Shade Structures

There’s no better, more direct metaphor for the work that Michael Gates and Toby Vann of Archimedes Design do than the hub. It’s both the literal center or core of…